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Six Remedies To Your Pimple Problem

Pimples or black points can often become a devastation affliction, specially for the young adults. They may cause severe mental distress and also lead to severe depression, low self-esteem and in extreme cases - social withdrawal. There are various causes that lead to the formation of pimples under the skin and in turn, giant pimples.


Luckily, as there are numerous causes behind the formation of pimple, so are numerous remedies. Most of them work well with distinct type of skin. If one remedy do not suit with your skin type, you should try the next one. The right one can work like magic on the skin and the pimple. Visit our site for fruitful information about punti neri right now.


1. Personal Hygiene: The saying - Prevention is better than cure - is a correct one. Treating pimple should always be a second measure. You should take proper steps to prevent it first. And the most important step of the prevention is maintaining personal hygiene. Pimples are a side effect of formation of bacterial growth on the face. Where do these bacteria come from? It comes from dirt and other stuffs that clog the pores of the face. So keeping it clean can reduce the chance of pimple formation.


2. No Touching - Touching the pimple increases the chances of overwhelming bacterial infection. If you do it without cleaning the hand first, the bacteria from your hand will get added to the bacteria of the face. This can cause skin damage and hasten the growth of bacteria already present there.


3. Let the skin Breathe - In most cases, pimples disappear without leaving any permanent scar. Letting the skin breathe can hasten the natural growth.


4. Water - Daily intake of two litres of water is very good for health. It is also good for the health of your skin. It is said that water helps in detoxifying of the body from bacteria.


5. Peels - Fruit leaves of strawberry and peels of orange have positive effect on pimples. Rubbing these leaves over the area of the pimple will cause them to disappear overnight! Orange peels are also great. But you would have to prepare it first. Take the peel, grind them to make it pasty. Add some water and rub them over the pimple to see the magic.


6. Garlic - The problem with garlic is the bad smell it produces. But if you want to get rid of pimple overnight, you may need to use it nonetheless. To use, crush it and apply them on the infected are. If needs be, you can use them over and over. Soon, you will see a permanent smoothness of the skin.


In some occasions, the pimples might get severely infected. In those cases, you should not make any delay to seek help from your GP. The use of tropical antibiotics and retinal can reduce the affliction to a great extent. Pimples have a negative effect on the overall mental health of the person afflicted. So it is not something that should be taken lightly.

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